

Through the years I’ve shared a numbers of eBooks, articles, books, handouts, worksheets and not to mentioned podcast interviews regarding state of the art sales techniques.

Podcast Archives

Project Plan Template   We  dream of things we aspire to accomplish. To achieve dreams set goals and track progress. Watching progress is an encouraging experience.

Sales Organization Assessment 

Sales Professional Effectiveness Assessment

Example Invoice

1 Year Vision Plan

Chinzty Spreadsheet CRM

Worksheets and Lead Magnets

Pat Helmers Resume

The Tao Te Ching of Sales

This eBook was taken from 18 months of postings on the blog Tao Te Ching of Sales. It contains fundamental principals of selling seen through the lens of the 6th BCE author Lao Tze. It contains the secrets of non-selling -selling or in other words, non-pushy sales.

The 2016 Book List – these are the books I read in 2016